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CreativeWiseGal | profile | all galleries >> There She Goes >> TO THE MOUNTAINS >> Blue Ridge Parkway 8/22/09 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Blue Ridge Parkway 8/22/09

WHAT A included rain and sunshine; warm August afternoon air and a very cold and breezy dusk; visiting two states;
finding mirrors, mirrors and more mirrors; Cuban, Indian and American food; bluegrass music; being led by Tasha the GPS
straight up the mountain via a winding dirt road; a closed Parkway section with no Detour signs; a long and winding road running
parallel to the Parkway (thanks again, Tasha) followed by twilight confusion; a chance meeting with two sheriff's deputies who pointed us back to the Parkway; and a great sunset.

Please don't miss Mike's great perspective --->
Our Lunch Locale What a Menu! Yellow Curry for Him, Papas Majadas for Me Boone Post Office
Sidewalk Flowers Ivy-covered Barn Red Barn Side-view Mirror
Esso Checkers, anyone? Back Porch Musicians Roadside Reflection
Mountain View Autumn Approaches A Shady Couple Atop Elk Falls
Elk Falls Mike, Angela & Elk Falls Busy Bee Across the Border
Dinner at Canyons Sunset from the Parkway Sunset from the Other Side of the Parkway