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creativematrix | all galleries >> Archives >> Theme Challenge Archives >> Pagan Spring Challenge > Chaco Blood Moon
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27-MAR-2014 Psychoceramatist

Chaco Blood Moon

OK am lightening up my original version translated to Spring Eclipse called Chaco Blood Moon. This before I transformed her layer into a Black/White and went with a lower opacity and Luminosity layer. She's back to normalized; but still prefer that mysterious ghost image.... An older version image with the old title also.

No one knows what they looked like or knew much about them as a culture, hence the original ghostly image but now with color for detail. Mo Better?

Nikon D300
1/125s f/20.0 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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creativematrix09-May-2014 00:48
Agree with Almita too. So then combined the older version with the new one in a layer style and channel mixer mask tweaked the color/opacity.
creativematrix28-Apr-2014 18:40
(So tired of having to sign in always. some glitch I guess.) Tim, this is fabulous--I'd like to keep the strip of background as the bandeau--And not so bright would be OK too, but I do like now being able to see and appreciate the image.
Almita the cybergrannie
creativematrix28-Apr-2014 15:20
Fantastic. skunk