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Craig Parker | all galleries >> Chain of Flowers >> Reflections >> Close Encounters Sydney > SimonSuzie.jpg
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Suzie with Simon at the Reflections aftershow party in the Sydney Opera House.
Thanks to Suzie for the photo.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ1
1/8s f/2.8 at 5.2mm iso200 full exif

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Guest 03-Feb-2012 05:01
the kid in the background is in the band sea in the dark. i came across them and realized i know his face
Guest 21-Sep-2011 18:02
The kid in the background could be a friend of the band
piggyinthemirror 07-Jun-2011 22:41
the kid sitting in back of simon was sitting backstage at the "download festival" too He really gets to go to all the shows he must be related to the band!!! lucky !!!!