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Chris Peppel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bahrain tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Living in Bahrain as a Liaison Officer to Fifth Fleet for the ABRAHAM LINCOLN Strike Group. The work is hard, intellectual, and long - but we occasionally get a chance to go see the "countryside".
07JUN08 - Market Shopping
:: 07JUN08 - Market Shopping ::
07JUN08 - Bahrain Fort
:: 07JUN08 - Bahrain Fort ::
05JUN08 - CTF 152 Change of Command
:: 05JUN08 - CTF 152 Change of Command ::
04JUN08 - General's Luncheon
:: 04JUN08 - General's Luncheon ::
04JUN08 - CTF Awards Ceremony
:: 04JUN08 - CTF Awards Ceremony ::
03JUN08 - Farewell Dinner
:: 03JUN08 - Farewell Dinner ::
25MAY08 - Rug Flop
:: 25MAY08 - Rug Flop ::
22MAY08 - Grand Mosque
:: 22MAY08 - Grand Mosque ::
10MAY08 - Tree of Life
:: 10MAY08 - Tree of Life ::