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Chris Peppel | profile | all galleries >> Gibraltar >> 26JUL04 - Gibraltar tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

26JUL04 - Gibraltar

Certainly an interesting place, notwithstanding the fact that it was the first time in about seven months where I could completely understand the menu! As a British colony, they speak English and hence everything is written in English.

Gibraltar is about three miles long and about one mile wide - in fact, space is such a commodity that you have to drive across the runway of the airport to get into the country! It was a real treat to sit at a red light on that road so that the traffic could wait for a plane to take off.

Rich in naval history, Gibraltar has much to offer in this area. From Admiral Nelson O'Hara's Folly to the 100-ton steam-powered cannon, there are lots of things to read about and to look at. If that's not enough, the view from the top of the rock is spectacular. And you might also be fortunate to run into a couple of the monkeys that are running around over the rock.
The Rock
The Rock
Street Sign
Street Sign
The Rock at First Sight
The Rock at First Sight
Across the Tarmac
Across the Tarmac
Main Street
Main Street
Number 6, Convent Place
Number 6, Convent Place
At the Top of the Cable Car
At the Top of the Cable Car
Looking Down
Looking Down
Looking Out
Looking Out
Looking Back at Spain
Looking Back at Spain
Unused Fortifications
Unused Fortifications
Europa Lighthouse
Europa Lighthouse
Sailors in the Straits
Sailors in the Straits
The Famous Monkeys
The Famous Monkeys
Yield to Planes
Yield to Planes