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Alpine Accentor - Prunella collaris - Alpenheggenmus
Mountains of South-Europe to Asia.
The following 9 subspecies are being recognized:
Prunella collaris collaris - Mountains of Europe to Carpathians, North-Yugoslavia and Northwest-Africa;
Prunella collaris subalpina - Mountains of Southeast-Europe to Crete and West-Turkey;
Prunella collaris montana - Caucasus Mountains to North-Iraq and South-Iran;
Prunella collaris rufilata - Tajikistan to North-Afghanistan, West-China and Southeast-Tibet;
Prunella collaris whymperi - West-Himalayas;
Prunella collaris nipalensis - East-Himalayas and Southeast-Tibet;
Prunella collaris tibetana - Northwest-China to East-Tibet;
Prunella collaris erythropygia - Altai Mountains to North-China, Sea of Okhotsk, Korea and Japan;
Prunella collaris fennelli - Mountains of Taiwan.
Of this species there are no Zoo Photo's available.