I use a small C-clamp with washer welded to it,remove star from Napa patch holder, modify to fit C-clamp. Makes assy smaller and able to disassemble. Pouch is what diabetics carry their stuff in. TOOLS-baby vice-grips, 3 screw drivers, 8mm open-box, 8mm-10mm open, 14mm-17mm open, 12mm-14mm open, 15/16" box-cut short(axle),Scott's rachet & socket kit, plug wrench(5/8" deepsocket W/short ext),swiss knife, spark plugs. Chain kit is Sucrets box. Get inflation kit that accepts screw-in and slide in bottles.Large handcuffs work to keep tire on rim when you break a casing and patching won't work. I carry a 19" tube, works front or rear.Tow rope and levers, cable tied to Summers rack. Click on picts for better view.