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corky1 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Baja ride tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Baja ride

Baja fun ride. 3 days of riding. 2days of driving. Total off-road miles 460. Fees at Campo San Felipe $15.00 per day, all facilities. El Coyote, new rooms, 5 to 6 persons per room, include 3 meals,$50.00 per day. English spoken. Motel, Colonet $25.00 per nite. 2 persons, large double bed each, not so hot water. Ask for blanket, gets cold on the coast. Trails can be ridden by most all riders. A few spots may need assistance. Baja riding is not hard, just a long ways between stops.
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Prescott ,Az 9 AM  Wed.
Prescott ,Az 9 AM Wed.
Campo San Felipe, Wed PM
Campo San Felipe, Wed PM
Thur AM, Race morning
Thur AM, Race morning
Terrian south of San Felipe
Terrian south of San Felipe
1st bike- dust in distance
1st bike- dust in distance
1st bike a little closer
1st bike a little closer
1st bike, all I got was dust- to slow  with camera
1st bike, all I got was dust- to slow with camera
typical race course, not hard just a long ways
typical race course, not hard just a long ways
2nd bike
2nd bike
3rd bike
3rd bike
1st truck_ Rob Gordon
1st truck_ Rob Gordon
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