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Corey Levenson | profile | all galleries >> Moto Stuff >> AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days July 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days July 2005

The AMA VMD event was held 15-17 July 2005 at the Mid-Ohio Racetrack in Lexington OH. The featured marque was Ducati. Paul Smart was the Marshall for the event. The Ducati factory set up a fantastic display tent with an example of nearly every motorcycle ever built by the Bologna company. There were over 1000 vendors in the swap meet. My friend Todd and I spent the weekend at the event and had a great time.
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v3/91/16291/3/46447238.0935.jpg Black Lightning
Black Lightning
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v3/91/16291/3/46447243.0940.jpg v3/91/16291/3/46447245.0943.jpg Nice Ducati 750GT
Nice Ducati 750GT
Tom Rolland & 750SS
Tom Rolland & 750SS
Crocker detail
Crocker detail
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