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Ed Barna | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Vt History Expo tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vt History Expo

Every year in early summer, the Tunbridge fairgrounds fills with local historical society displays, nonprofit and agency booths, heritage breed animals, reenactors, performers, vendors, kids playing historic games, authors presenting their books, experts addressing particular subjects and more, in a grand celebration of Vermont's multifaceted history. I recommend this combination celebration and fair for those who would appreciate an overview of Vermont life, plus the event takes place in a very scenic river valley at a time when visitor facilities are not crowded (graduations are done, the big family vacation season is yet to come).
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Tunbridge Fairgrounds Overview.jpg
Tunbridge Fairgrounds Overview.jpg
The Little Dig.jpg
The Little Dig.jpg
Daily Parade Begins.jpg
Daily Parade Begins.jpg
Sack Time.jpg
Sack Time.jpg
Grandstand Concert.jpg
Grandstand Concert.jpg
High Riders.jpg
High Riders.jpg
Next to the Fairgrounds.jpg
Next to the Fairgrounds.jpg
Serious Subject.jpg
Serious Subject.jpg
High Times in the Past Lane.jpg
High Times in the Past Lane.jpg
Eyes Left.jpg
Eyes Left.jpg
Folk Music Resource.jpg
Folk Music Resource.jpg
Pete  Karen Sutherland.jpg
Pete Karen Sutherland.jpg
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