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Ed Barna | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rocks+Rolls--Likenesses tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


I don't seek out recognizable shapes in nature, but I know from contributing pictures to the Cloud Appreciation Society that many people enjoy seeing such likeneses. So, since they appear from time to time when I am photographing rocks, I'm creating this gallery as a home for them.
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BRANDON 2015-10-19 Its not easy being green.JPG
BRANDON 2015-10-19 Its not easy being green.JPG
CORNWALL hedgehog 2015-10-2 3193.JPG
CORNWALL hedgehog 2015-10-2 3193.JPG
deer me 0195.JPG
deer me 0195.JPG
NE+E MIDD we've got a fig leaf, let's do it 7-8-2015 384.JPG
NE+E MIDD we've got a fig leaf, let's do it 7-8-2015 384.JPG
NEW HAVEN 7-11-2015 452 I have a splitting haedache.jpg
NEW HAVEN 7-11-2015 452 I have a splitting haedache.jpg
SALISBURY youre standing on  my head 2015-7-24 477.JPG
SALISBURY youre standing on my head 2015-7-24 477.JPG
BRANDON 2015-6-16 291 Astillsmallvoice.jpg
BRANDON 2015-6-16 291 Astillsmallvoice.jpg
BRANDON 2015-6-16 323 just a shadow of a man.jpg
BRANDON 2015-6-16 323 just a shadow of a man.jpg
BRANDON 2015-8-1 196 cetacean.JPG
BRANDON 2015-8-1 196 cetacean.JPG
BRANDON 2015-8-1 206 big doglittle dog.JPG
BRANDON 2015-8-1 206 big doglittle dog.JPG
BRANDON 2015-8-1 244 chimpire.jpg
BRANDON 2015-8-1 244 chimpire.jpg
BRANDON 2015-8-1 391 its a wonderful swirled.jpg
BRANDON 2015-8-1 391 its a wonderful swirled.jpg
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