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Ed Barna | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bumper Crop tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bumper Crop

Bumper stickers haven't gone away, they're just formed flocks. As might be gathered from looking at these, Vermont is generally a green state, with a strong drive for local production as part of an ethos of environmental responsibility. I'd be glad to include cars festooned with conservative, right-wing and fundamentalist Christian statements, but haven't seen such displays locally or in my travels..
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Addison 10-25-09 0008.jpg
Addison 10-25-09 0008.jpg
Addison County truck June 24 2006.jpg
Addison County truck June 24 2006.jpg
Brandon Parade July 1 2006.jpg
Brandon Parade July 1 2006.jpg
Brandon witch 9-30-08 0160.jpg
Brandon witch 9-30-08 0160.jpg
Cramalot Inn VT History Expo 6-21-08.jpg
Cramalot Inn VT History Expo 6-21-08.jpg
Middlebury 6-11-2009 24.jpg
Middlebury 6-11-2009 24.jpg
Middlebury 7-30-08.jpg
Middlebury 7-30-08.jpg
Middlebury 11-20-09 0051.jpg
Middlebury 11-20-09 0051.jpg
Nov 27 2007 73.jpg
Nov 27 2007 73.jpg
Rutland 6-18-09 46.jpg
Rutland 6-18-09 46.jpg
Rutland 6-30-2009 0006.jpg
Rutland 6-30-2009 0006.jpg
Vt Blues Middlebury 11-20-09 0024.jpg
Vt Blues Middlebury 11-20-09 0024.jpg
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