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Ed Barna | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Put to Sleep--Failing Farm Buildings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Put to Sleep--Failing Farm Buildings

Once it seemed obvious that the heart of a farm would be a wooden barn, but changing economics and technologies have made the maintenance of many wooden farm buildings prohibitively expensive. Though there are some wonderful examples of creative reuse and some heroic efforts at preservation, Vermont's Barn Again program can only go a little way toward holding the line against historic change. All over the state, the wooden veterans are marching off--a battle they are losing.
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ADDISON  CTY grain bin but no barn 7-2015.JPG
ADDISON CTY grain bin but no barn 7-2015.JPG
ADDISON CTY 7-9-2015 162.JPG
ADDISON CTY 7-9-2015 162.JPG
ADDISON CTY 7-17-2015 335.JPG
ADDISON CTY 7-17-2015 335.JPG
ADDISON CTY 7-18-2015 193.JPG
ADDISON CTY 7-18-2015 193.JPG
ADDISON CTY 9-11-2015 72.JPG
ADDISON CTY 9-11-2015 72.JPG
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ADDISON CTY 9-11-2015 1284.JPG
ADDISON CTY 2015-10-1 2881.JPG
ADDISON CTY 2015-10-1 2881.JPG
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ADDISON CTY 2015-10-1 2981.JPG
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ADDISON CTY 2015-10-2 3028.JPG
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ADDISON CTY 2015-10-1 2986.JPG
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