One of the more enjoyable assignments during my career at the Auburn-Opelika News was to cover sporting events such as Auburn Football, Basketball and especially little league baseball. The children are so animated and enjoy themselves so much. My son began playing baseball a few years ago and my interest in covering sports was rekindled.
This is a collection of some of the images I have captured from his Little League Seasons and other sporting events.
Are there and if so how do I access the photos of other Little League Baseball Teams and Girl's Sftball Teams?
Thanks for any information.
Elizabeth Vaughn
Diane Sciara
19-Apr-2006 22:24
You are such a good photographer. I enjoyed the pictures of the Astros, especially of my nephew Alex. I would like to look at your old pictures. I love looking at pictures taken in the 1800s. I did not have a password though.
Diane Sciara
I like your little league pictures. That's what I been doing since I started using digital. Your Sigma 50-500 seems to do a really nice job. I had been thinking about getting the Canon 100-400.
Nice work, Dan