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Ian Conroy | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, March 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, March 2008

A visit to the Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, March 29th 2008. Me, Lissie, Cathy, Darrin and Kirsty.
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g3/98/524098/3/94841484.MGYoQ6c0.jpg g3/98/524098/3/94841485.tOX1bAm3.jpg Holy Korans
Holy Korans
Shoe Store
"Shoe Store"
g3/98/524098/3/94841488.tb5Jks62.jpg Marble flooring, hand-inlaid
Marble flooring, hand-inlaid
g3/98/524098/3/94841490.CnuUyc7z.jpg g3/98/524098/3/94841491.8x2sbmDm.jpg
g3/98/524098/3/94841492.CkvomJb2.jpg g3/98/524098/3/94841493.jowZyFZg.jpg Drinking Fountain
Drinking Fountain
Fly on a globe...
Fly on a globe...
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