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Panti Forest

Shown are 222 species from a Bunker Trail checklist of 272 species

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Argus, Great
Argus, Great
Babbler, Black-capped
Babbler, Black-capped
Babbler, Black-throated
Babbler, Black-throated
Babbler, Chestnut-backed Scimitar
Babbler, Chestnut-backed Scimitar
Babbler, Chestnut-rumped
Babbler, Chestnut-rumped
Babbler, Chestnut-winged
Babbler, Chestnut-winged
Babbler, Ferruginous
Babbler, Ferruginous
Babbler, Fluffy-backed Tit
Babbler, Fluffy-backed Tit
Babbler, Grey-breasted
Babbler, Grey-breasted
Babbler, Grey-headed
Babbler, Grey-headed
Babbler, Horsfield's
Babbler, Horsfield's
Babbler, Moustached
Babbler, Moustached
Babbler, Pin-striped Tit
Babbler, Pin-striped Tit
Babbler, Rufous-crowned
Babbler, Rufous-crowned
Babbler, Rufous-fronted
Babbler, Rufous-fronted
Babbler, Scaly-crowned
Babbler, Scaly-crowned
Babbler, Short-tailed
Babbler, Short-tailed
Babbler, Sooty-Capped
Babbler, Sooty-Capped
Babbler, White-chested
Babbler, White-chested
Babbler, White-necked
Babbler, White-necked
Barbet, Blue-eared
Barbet, Blue-eared
Barbet, Brown
Barbet, Brown
Barbet, Red-crowned
Barbet, Red-crowned
Barbet, Yellow-crowned
Barbet, Yellow-crowned
Baza, Black
Baza, Black
Bee-eater, Blue-tailed
Bee-eater, Blue-tailed
Bee-eater, Blue-throated
Bee-eater, Blue-throated
Bee-eater, Red-bearded
Bee-eater, Red-bearded
Bluebird, Asian Fairy
Bluebird, Asian Fairy
Broadbill, Banded
Broadbill, Banded
Broadbill, Black-and-Red
Broadbill, Black-and-Red
Broadbill, Black-and-yellow
Broadbill, Black-and-yellow
Broadbill, Dusky
Broadbill, Dusky
Broadbill, Green
Broadbill, Green
Bulbul, Ashy
Bulbul, Ashy
Bulbul, Black-and-white
Bulbul, Black-and-white
Bulbul, Black-headed
Bulbul, Black-headed
Bulbul, Buff-vented
Bulbul, Buff-vented
Bulbul, Cream-vented
Bulbul, Cream-vented
Bulbul, Finsch's
Bulbul, Finsch's
Bulbul, Grey-bellied
Bulbul, Grey-bellied
Bulbul, Grey-cheeked
Bulbul, Grey-cheeked
Bulbul, Hairy-backed
Bulbul, Hairy-backed
Bulbul, Olive-winged
Bulbul, Olive-winged
Bulbul, Puff-backed
Bulbul, Puff-backed
Bulbul, Red-eyed
Bulbul, Red-eyed
Bulbul, Spectacled
Bulbul, Spectacled
Bulbul, Streaked
Bulbul, Streaked
Bulbul, Yellow-bellied
Bulbul, Yellow-bellied
Bulbul, Yellow-vented
Bulbul, Yellow-vented
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