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Dianna Smith (2003-2016) / Peter Russell (2012-2013) | profile | all galleries >> 2009 Mushroom walks, forays and events >> November Walk tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

November Walk

Our last walk of the season was at Sylvan Glen in Yorktown. We found very few fungi, but those we did find are typical of autumn. All were growing on decaying wood. They included the edible Panellus serotinus, Coprinus micaceus, and Hypholoma sublateritium (‘Bricktops’). Among the non-edible, but nevertheless beautiful was Scutellinia scutellata, an unidentified pezziza, the crust Irpex lactea, Trichaptum biformis, the ubiquitous Stereum commune and the deadly Galerina autumnalis.
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Scutellinia scutellata03513.jpg
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Galerina autumnalis5299.JPG