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Sunrise, Sunset

It is said that these are the most trite of images and they surely are easy to produce, but they are God's work and HE/SHE should take FULL credit for them---not I!




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Boothbay harbor a couple of hours later (Maine, Boothbay)
Boothbay harbor a couple of hours later (Maine, Boothbay)
Boothbay is:  A sunset reflected in a lobster shed's window.
Boothbay is: A sunset reflected in a lobster shed's window.
A clock in the middle of town at dusk.....
A clock in the middle of town at dusk.....
u35/cokids/medium/23186290.21CBMaineStreet1815.jpg A boatyard at dusk...
A boatyard at dusk...
Hodgedon Yachts & Washburn's yacht builders at dawn....
Hodgedon Yachts & Washburn's yacht builders at dawn....
u36/cokids/medium/23592577.21CBDockside3051.jpg The Mill Pond greeting a new day....
The Mill Pond greeting a new day....
...the early evening dusk is gorgeous!
...the early evening dusk is gorgeous!
Then in the evening we make one more visit to Pemaquid...
Then in the evening we make one more visit to Pemaquid... again experience the sheer joy of being by the ocean in such a beautiful place. again experience the sheer joy of being by the ocean in such a beautiful place.
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