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Sunrise, Sunset

It is said that these are the most trite of images and they surely are easy to produce, but they are God's work and HE/SHE should take FULL credit for them---not I!




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...the Androscoggin...(river, sunrise, calm, peaceful)
...the Androscoggin...(river, sunrise, calm, peaceful)
....River.(river, sunrise, calm, peaceful)
....River.(river, sunrise, calm, peaceful)
Dusk over the Harbor on Day One.
Dusk over the Harbor on Day One.
This is what greets us as we pull up in the car.
This is what greets us as we pull up in the car.
The late day sun lights the crowd gathered for nature's light show...
The late day sun lights the crowd gathered for nature's light show... kids play on the rocks... kids play on the rocks...
The light is perfect for the artist's eye ...
The light is perfect for the artist's eye ...!!
Fall sunset across the harbor, Boothbay
Fall sunset across the harbor, Boothbay
Early June and because the ocean is still only 45-50 degrees cold....,
Early June and because the ocean is still only 45-50 degrees cold....,
....fog is the result.
....fog is the result.
....sets as they soar over...
....sets as they soar over...
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