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Memorial Day, 2007

Five years later, we 'celebrate' Memorial Day. We go to a small town parade; watch the color guard and the crowd as children carry flags; old soldiers wipe tears from their eyes and parents instruct their children to stand for the national anthem, to hold their hand over their hearts! How important is this day REALLY to most people? My heart goes out to every parent, wife, husband, brother, or sister who has lost a loved one to this war! Where do we go from here?
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On Monday small town America honors its war dead...
On Monday small town America honors its war dead...
...with Memorial Day Parades and ...
...with Memorial Day Parades and ...
...marching bands and...
...marching bands and...
Veterans all in a row!
Veterans all in a row!
Girl Scouts get into the act as well.
Girl Scouts get into the act as well.
Then crowds watch the ceremonies from the Library lawn as....
Then crowds watch the ceremonies from the Library lawn as....
....people look on and vets salute.
....people look on and vets salute.
Little people carry flags; and...
Little people carry flags; and...
....big people carry flags.
....big people carry flags.
And some people pay no attention!
And some people pay no attention!
Along the parade route children nurse their refreshments while waving flags.
Along the parade route children nurse their refreshments while waving flags.
The color guard prepares for a salute on the....
The color guard prepares for a salute on the....
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