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Ma Comes Home!

We make a journey to Massachusetts and Maine to return Ma to her home in Wollaston and be with family!
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Dinner prep at the Harlings
Dinner prep at the Harlings
The cooks pose!
The cooks pose!
A catnap before dinner
A catnap before dinner
Rick & Marcelle campaign even when they aren't trying!
Rick & Marcelle campaign even when they aren't trying!
Rick fixes the run for Ajax
Rick fixes the run for Ajax
Ron & Jeanne decompress before dinner
Ron & Jeanne decompress before dinner
Todd & Cameron
Todd & Cameron
Cameron loves DOGS!
Cameron loves DOGS!
Corn...Ummmmm GOOD!
Corn...Ummmmm GOOD!
Next Day: Service at family church
Next Day: Service at family church
Who's there? Is it over-exposure or ????
Who's there? Is it over-exposure or ????
The DeBuigneys ...
The DeBuigneys ... with Ron with Ron
Mary sings hymns and songs
Mary sings hymns and songs
Display in foyer
Display in foyer
Then it 's time to pack up...
Then it 's time to pack up...
u17/cokids/medium/5623037.5Funeral3.jpg u17/cokids/medium/5623039.5Funeral4.jpg
u17/cokids/medium/5623041.5Funeral5.jpg u17/cokids/medium/5623043.5Funeral6.jpg Ron & old friend, Tony
Ron & old friend, Tony people socialize on the steps.... people socialize on the steps....
....and prepare to leave.
....and prepare to leave.
Everyone gathers at Wollaston Cemetery...
Everyone gathers at Wollaston Cemetery...
...for another 'good-bye.'
...for another 'good-bye.'
And it's a sad event.
And it's a sad event.
Ma joins her 'Clevie.'
Ma joins her 'Clevie.'
Rick and Joe
Rick and Joe
u17/cokids/medium/5623045.5Funeral7.jpg u17/cokids/medium/5623047.5Funeral8.jpg
Priscilla will miss Auntie Eileen!
Priscilla will miss Auntie Eileen!
Tara photographs urn and flowers
Tara photographs urn and flowers
Brothers & Sister say their farewells.
Brothers & Sister say their farewells.
We stop at Plum Island...
We stop at Plum Island... toss flowers into the surf in remembrance. toss flowers into the surf in remembrance.
Tara photographs Rich & Frances
Tara photographs Rich & Frances
Priscilla takes a photo of Jake....where's Jake?
Priscilla takes a photo of Jake....where's Jake?
Here he is with his cousins!
Here he is with his cousins!
Frances & Priscilla share photographs at the hotel
Frances & Priscilla share photographs at the hotel
Rich & Joe look at photos
Rich & Joe look at photos
After a walk, we wait for the others to show up for breakfast.
After a walk, we wait for the others to show up for breakfast.
Breakfast--one end of table...
Breakfast--one end of table...
....and the other end!
....and the other end!
After breakfast, it's time for conversation.
After breakfast, it's time for conversation.
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