After much work and upheaval, we are finally moved in! There are still boxes in the garage waiting to be unpacked, but the essentials are in place and we are LIVING in this house! Hurray!!
This is the main living area...livingroom, diningroom and kitchen all in ONE big space.
Our bedroom is a peaceful retreat
The loft...guest an all-purpose space.
My computer printing center is in one corner and... door is Ron's space. He promises it will be organized w/in 30 days! How much do you want to bet?
Then look out over the rail at the livingspace and outdoors....stars at night!
Looking down into the livingroom and...
Up to the loft
View to the loft from livingroom.
And while we're at it, let's take a visit to 'our' ocean...a restaurant on the water...
....and a beach 10 minutes from the house....
....that is public, but not crowded where people boat,
....swim their dogs....
....kayak and sun!
Some people just try not to get too much sun while others...