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Beth | profile | all galleries >> Family Gallery >> New England Trip, Summer 2001 >> Baxter State Park, Maine tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Baxter State Park, Maine

We visit Baxter for the first time and are blown away! This place is gorgeously unspoiled. Come and see for yourself!
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Katahdin Through the Trees
Katahdin Through the Trees
Togue Lake in the late afternoon...
Togue Lake in the late afternoon... mirror smooth.... mirror smooth....
...with lovely reflections!
...with lovely reflections!
We came hoping to see moose...
We came hoping to see moose...
....and this little lady didn't disappoint!
....and this little lady didn't disappoint!
She watched us from a distance, then....
She watched us from a distance, then....
....went about her business.
....went about her business.
Ron's photo of the group...
Ron's photo of the group...
...'shooting' moose!
...'shooting' moose!
And the pond was lovely with a bit of color left in the background.
And the pond was lovely with a bit of color left in the background.
Above the pond, Katahdin sat gloriously...
Above the pond, Katahdin sat gloriously...
Ron's perspective
Ron's perspective
One of his most lovely....I think!!
One of his most lovely....I think!!
(Stepping back, it looks like this.)...
(Stepping back, it looks like this.)...
...shrouded in clouds.
...shrouded in clouds.
We had to remember to look for the beauty nearby.
We had to remember to look for the beauty nearby.
Yellow and Red
Yellow and Red
Riding into the park, we found lovely places to...
Riding into the park, we found lovely places to... and BE photographed! and BE photographed!
Sometimes decay is as pretty as ....
Sometimes decay is as pretty as ....
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