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Beth | profile | all galleries >> Family Gallery >> 4th of July tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

4th of July

Rich and Frances stop on their way home from Arkansas reunion to celebrate the Fourth!
Ready for the Fourth? Flags for Sale!
Ready for the Fourth? Flags for Sale!
The usual gathering around the diningroom table includes photo sharing.
The usual gathering around the diningroom table includes photo sharing.
Preparing dessert
Preparing dessert
Raspberry pie & vanilla ice cream...Red, white and ????
Raspberry pie & vanilla ice cream...Red, white and ????
Marta enjoys a late dinner & conversation w/ Gram
Marta enjoys a late dinner & conversation w/ Gram
Assembling the grill
Assembling the grill
Can I help?
Can I help?
What can  I do?
What can I do?
Another Helper
Another Helper
Fourth of July News
Fourth of July News
Clearance Sales
Clearance Sales
Thunder showers bring us inside for lunch
Thunder showers bring us inside for lunch
Hot Dogs
Hot Dogs
July 5, The usual trip to Ikea
July 5, The usual trip to Ikea
After lunch prep for shopping.
After lunch prep for shopping.
Sales at Ikea
Sales at Ikea
Checking out
Checking out
Getting ready for the long trip back.
Getting ready for the long trip back.