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Thanks for visiting our galleries! These image galleries are designed to supplement our family travelogue website which we invite you to visit as well. We would love to hear your comments and advice to improve our craft. Thanks for taking the time to view our images.


Coke, Som and Cokie Smith
Southern Africa 2009
Southern Africa 2009
Baja California
Baja California
Olympic Peninsula
Olympic Peninsula
Thailand Gallery
Thailand Gallery
Borneo Gallery
Borneo Gallery
South & Central America Galleries
South & Central America Galleries
Eastern & Southern Africa '96, 97
Eastern & Southern Africa '96, 97
Russia Galleries
Russia Galleries
North America
North America
Japan Gallery
Japan Gallery
Scandanavia Galleries
Scandanavia Galleries
India & Nepal
India & Nepal
Bears & Wildlife of Knight Inlet, British Columbia
Bears & Wildlife of Knight Inlet, British Columbia
Cambodia!  Summer 2010
Cambodia! Summer 2010
India Expedition
India Expedition
Cranes of the World
Cranes of the World
Viet Nam Wildlife Expedition
Viet Nam Wildlife Expedition
Expedition to Central African Republic
Expedition to Central African Republic
Bale Mountains Mystery Jackal!
Bale Mountains Mystery Jackal!
Ethiopia Wildlife Expedition!
Ethiopia Wildlife Expedition!
Kenya Wildlife Expedition
Kenya Wildlife Expedition
Uganda Wildlife Adventure!
Uganda Wildlife Adventure!
Wildlife of Rwanda
Wildlife of Rwanda
Spectacular Sulawesi!
Spectacular Sulawesi!
Java Barat!
Java Barat!
Tunisia Expedition
Tunisia Expedition
Safari in Italy
Safari in Italy
Spain Wildlife Adventure
Spain Wildlife Adventure
Roadkill Safari to Greece!
Roadkill Safari to Greece!
Nature of France
Nature of France
Expedition to Sri Lanka
Expedition to Sri Lanka
Wildlife Expedition to the Western Ghats, India
Wildlife Expedition to the Western Ghats, India
Diving Expedition to the Similan Islands
Diving Expedition to the Similan Islands
Whales of Thailand
Whales of Thailand
Snow Leopard Expedition in Ladakh, India
Snow Leopard Expedition in Ladakh, India
Four Days in Huai Kha Khaeng, Thailand
Four Days in Huai Kha Khaeng, Thailand