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SpringMaid Mtn & Grandfather MTN 2006

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Stables at Spring Maid Mtn Cabins Tree Silhouette tree River view from bridge
Parkway colors Jean on mini bridge bend in river river banks on Springmaid Mtn property
Frank on bridge pretty foliage Frank & Jean a-rockin' pretty pasture
Deer on Parkway Unusual tree roots sphinx rock super strength
grandfather mtn Spectacular View from Grandfather g6/78/720878/3/69224633.LpNXl2vj.jpg lichen.jpg
g6/78/720878/3/69237198.21KyC8Di.jpg peek-a-boo  otter I'll sit up - you toss the goodies want .. more!
Yoga Bear curious cougars Grazing serenly Kidds at play7.JPG
teeny snowman Symbol of Freedom g6/78/720878/3/82469801.jEQVmLkC.jpg Old barn  and goats
Made it to the other side of Swinging Bridge! Mare and  foal Split Rock at Grandfather Mtn.
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