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Castles and Churches Visited in Germany 2009

Neuschwanstein Castle
(German: Schloss Neuschwanstein, lit. New Swan Stone palace) is a 19th-century Bavarian palace on a rugged hill near Hohenschwangau and Füssen in southwest Bavaria, Germany. The palace was commissioned by Ludwig II of Bavaria as a retreat and as an homage to Richard Wagner, the King's inspiring muse. Although public photography of the interior is not permitted, it is the most photographed building in Germany and is one of the country's most popular tourist destinations
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g1/78/720878/3/115746823.WXey1UOG.jpg Neuschwanstein in our sites!
Neuschwanstein in our sites!
Castle Hohenschwangau
Castle Hohenschwangau
g1/78/720878/3/115746829.ISX8BRwi.jpg g1/78/720878/3/115746832.L80Jny2c.jpg g1/78/720878/3/115747118.907ZN7nq.jpg g1/78/720878/3/115747375.HMnoA7PZ.jpg
g1/78/720878/3/115747376.OZ6Oo502.jpg Bamberg Bridge to Old City
Bamberg Bridge to Old City
Entrancea to Our Lady in Bamberg
Entrancea to Our Lady in Bamberg
Inside Our Lady - Bamberg
Inside Our Lady - Bamberg
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