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Some of the sights at Raleigh's Annual arts festival in Moore Square in downtown Raleigh, NC.
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Ed More of Sandy Feat creating  a sand sculpture in Moore Square with several other artists
Ed More of Sandy Feat creating a sand sculpture in Moore Square with several other artists
g1/78/720878/3/97208694.hStxrt22.jpg Little budding sand artists!
Little budding sand artists!
Moncure Chessworks provided the oversized Chess Set
Moncure Chessworks provided the oversized Chess Set
g1/78/720878/3/97208617.dvDCiDe3.jpg Raleigh's own New Year's Acorn
Raleigh's own New Year's Acorn
g1/78/720878/3/97208623.jHciTpOw.jpg Blowfish Kiss?
Blowfish Kiss?
g1/78/720878/3/97208630.zZJArKI0.jpg swimming along.........
swimming along.........
g1/78/720878/3/97208635.eWUw8vhT.jpg g1/78/720878/3/97208637.d92GTswa.jpg g1/78/720878/3/97208639.vwQoGrQM.jpg g1/78/720878/3/97208643.VSeUW6aB.jpg
g1/78/720878/3/97208646.4pVi2xft.jpg Thirst no more--lemonade abounds!
Thirst no more--lemonade abounds!
Dan Nelson creating a large painting
Dan Nelson creating a large painting
g1/78/720878/3/97208656.gIYYZdVJ.jpg Buggin' out!
Buggin' out!
Giant interacitve caterpiller puppet created by Paperhand Puppet Intervention Co.
Giant interacitve caterpiller puppet created by Paperhand Puppet Intervention Co.
g1/78/720878/3/97208661.8oHdVobW.jpg The John Brown Quintet perfoming
The John Brown Quintet perfoming
g1/78/720878/3/97208666.fCwJYPtl.jpg Taking a break in the shade
Taking a break in the shade
g1/78/720878/3/97208669.Z5JbEEca.jpg Rickshaw ride anyone?
Rickshaw ride anyone?
g1/78/720878/3/97208674.08Epy9BU.jpg g1/78/720878/3/97208677.39XWxQSo.jpg
the Rickshaw Express!
the Rickshaw Express!
g1/78/720878/3/97208682.ZSghKEaE.jpg How much longer for the pizza?
How much longer for the pizza?
Giant bubble wands created by  Lou Horton
Giant bubble wands created by Lou Horton
Learning the art of bubble making!
Learning the art of bubble making!
Mega bubbles!
Mega bubbles!
AT & T Elvis?? Rock on..........
AT & T Elvis?? Rock on..........
City market view via Martin St parking deck
City market view via Martin St parking deck
Children enjoying the Whimsical Windchimes
Children enjoying the Whimsical Windchimes
having fun
having fun
Make your own bracelet - FREE!
Make your own bracelet - FREE!
Sunshine, shoppers, vendors.......... downtown fun!
Sunshine, shoppers, vendors.......... downtown fun!
Youv'e been PUNKED!
Youv'e been PUNKED!
The market is filled with shoppers!
The market is filled with shoppers!
Leaning Glass Studio
Leaning Glass Studio
Segway  Giveaway....
Segway Giveaway....
g1/78/720878/3/97255189.tYIciV9I.jpg the child within - brought to you by Target
the child within - brought to you by Target
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