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Some of the sights at Raleigh's Annual arts festival in Moore Square in downtown Raleigh, NC.
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g1/78/720878/3/97208661.8oHdVobW.jpg The John Brown Quintet perfoming
The John Brown Quintet perfoming
g1/78/720878/3/97208666.fCwJYPtl.jpg Taking a break in the shade
Taking a break in the shade
g1/78/720878/3/97208669.Z5JbEEca.jpg Rickshaw ride anyone?
Rickshaw ride anyone?
g1/78/720878/3/97208674.08Epy9BU.jpg g1/78/720878/3/97208677.39XWxQSo.jpg
the Rickshaw Express!
the Rickshaw Express!
g1/78/720878/3/97208682.ZSghKEaE.jpg How much longer for the pizza?
How much longer for the pizza?
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