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monica memoli | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > Not just garbage
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Not just garbage

FujiFilm FinePix S9100
1/1000s f/8.0 at 66.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Antonio Ruggiero08-Apr-2008 17:24
Ottimo golfo...Brava...V
Jay Levin23-Feb-2008 10:54
Wonderful composition and light. Vote
Photo Club Pavillonnais17-Jan-2008 21:27
Très bel ambiance et atmosphère ... V
Paolo Flores16-Jan-2008 23:26
Absolutely not!
Wenche Aune16-Jan-2008 21:09
Love this. Beautiful light and composition. V
monil16-Jan-2008 18:47
Very good composition and mood.
Robyco16-Jan-2008 10:31
Excellent composition!!!
My first idea: the old man and the sea.....
Enrico Martinuzzi15-Jan-2008 20:27
Lovely. GMV
Xavi Barneda15-Jan-2008 16:55
Superb image & very good title! V!
Silvia Roitman15-Jan-2008 16:07
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