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monica memoli | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favourites > S.Pietro
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FujiFilm FinePix S9100
0.56s f/3.8 at 21.6mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Eric Herbelin29-Mar-2008 16:37
superb! V
Photo Club Pavillonnais17-Jan-2008 21:25
Tout en délicatesse et en douceur ... bien vu
Guest 14-Jan-2008 02:11
Great photograph! I like the way you framed the shot. Regards, Ray Urena
marie-jose wolff08-Jan-2008 19:21
beautiful framing! V
Guest 08-Jan-2008 11:48
Beautiful capture! V
Enrico Martinuzzi08-Jan-2008 11:36
Great shot Monica!
Wenche Aune08-Jan-2008 10:30
Excellent! V
Hodero08-Jan-2008 08:00
Fantastic mood !
Robyco08-Jan-2008 07:23
Excellent framing !!!
Xavi Barneda07-Jan-2008 23:53
Very original POV and beautiful warm light V!
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