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June 17, 2016 Dan Wyman

Batch Lake, which straddles the New Hampshire/Maine border

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Nick Paoni21-Jun-2016 13:50
A dramatic shot- love the sun flare.
Pierre Martin21-Jun-2016 10:15
beautiful scene, greatly done!
Gerard Koehl21-Jun-2016 06:33
Superbe scène. V
Tom Munson21-Jun-2016 00:42
Beautiful capture, Dan.
Gary20-Jun-2016 21:48
Awesome scene, and magnificent light...
bill friedlander20-Jun-2016 21:39
Gorgeous light and colors. Ace shot. V
larose forest photos20-Jun-2016 21:19
A beautiful spectacular vivid image. Very well done. V+
Martin Lamoon20-Jun-2016 21:09
Wonderful with the sun breaking through the cloud.
Photo.Keely20-Jun-2016 21:02
Nice work! Well done! V.