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Made on the stove.
Microwaves ain't got nuthin' on *this* treat.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS1
1/30s f/3.3 at 4.1mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Nancy Lobaugh16-Jan-2011 21:52
oooh! I've been looking for one of those - looks yummy!
virginiacoastline16-Jan-2011 03:14
thanks, Coleen & Cindi. It's old & beat up but makes the best popcorn. =)

NICE pun, Robin hahahah

Faye . . ten minutes ago! Hurry up, woman!!
Faye White15-Jan-2011 12:57
Mmmmmmm... when does the movie start? :)
Cindi Smith15-Jan-2011 06:16
You are right there. I have an old popcorn popper and would much rather have this than microwaved. Great tones!
Robin Reid15-Jan-2011 03:44
This picture really pops ;-)
Coleen Perilloux Landry15-Jan-2011 02:27
That's for sure. Love the pot, too.
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