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Co van der Wardt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2020 by Co van der Wardt > Little Crake
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21-Aug-2020 Co van der Wardt

Little Crake


Klein Waterhoen, Porzana parva

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
1/500s f/10.0 at 700.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Missed Opportunities03-Dec-2023 12:13
Reminds me of a Rail I've not seen - Yellow Rail; must be like a rail that usually stays very well hidden in the tall grasses!
Excellent details here - V
Jeff Real18-Sep-2020 23:04
A beautiful capture of this special subject!
The details are just magnificent!
C. van Gijs06-Sep-2020 13:49
Bijzondere waarneming. Staat er goed op ondanks het harde licht.
Hank Vander Velde23-Aug-2020 02:38
Excellent sharp close-up shot Co.
Bert Ooms22-Aug-2020 17:41
Fijn close te pakken gekregen!
V groet,
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