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Co van der Wardt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rare Birds in the Netherlands 2015 by Co van der Wardt > Olive-backed Pipit
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20-Oct-2015 Co van der Wardt

Olive-backed Pipit

Texel, Krimbos

Siberische Boompieper, Anthus hodgsoni
Taken in the latest light of the day. With special thanks to Johan van der Louw who made this possible.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
1/500s f/5.6 at 700.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Norbert Uhlhaas24-Oct-2015 14:35
Hi Co! Nice reminder in latest light and good job from Johan. :-)
Cheers, Norbert
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