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C.M. Kwan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Adelaide 2012 > Big Gun
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Big Gun

Mount Lofty Scenic Route view map

Best viewed at "original" size

Posted on 21 July 2012

Nikon D7000 ,Nikkor AF-S 10-24mm 1:3.5-4.5G ED
1/1000s f/8.0 at 13.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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2004 13-Aug-2012 15:11
Excellent capture?
Marisa Livet24-Jul-2012 09:13
Impressive and impeccable
Simon Chandler24-Jul-2012 02:29
Great find and excellent capture. Very graphic and dramatic. v
Chris Spracklen23-Jul-2012 10:11
A pristine photo with a wonderfully balanced composition, C.M. *V*
Jean Chiasson23-Jul-2012 01:59
Beautiful comp CM vote
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Jul-2012 21:30
Excellent capture with this composition, Vote.
Fong Lam22-Jul-2012 14:31
Striking view point and a lovely compo with great sharpness, CM...V
Alain Boussac22-Jul-2012 07:16
I agree totally with Bill... V.
bill friedlander22-Jul-2012 03:16
A big gun indeed. Strong POV and perfect exposure. V
TuTmin22-Jul-2012 01:59
stunning POV.
Sam Rua21-Jul-2012 21:08
Well done, CM. Love the comp.
Giancarlo Guzzardi21-Jul-2012 19:17
Vickie BROWN21-Jul-2012 16:27
An unique gun exposes in the beautifully clear sky, great angle shot, Kwan!
Paco López21-Jul-2012 15:31
Excellent pov and shot! V!
marko gregoric21-Jul-2012 14:52
Superb shot. V
Walter Otto Koenig21-Jul-2012 13:19
It does look like a big gun. Very well composed image with great clarity. "V"
Stephanie21-Jul-2012 12:58
This is a great tilted compo CM! V
Jeff Real21-Jul-2012 12:40
A powerful viewpoint looks very wonderful here ~V~
Jim Coffman21-Jul-2012 12:04
Very fine capture,CM!
Zoltán Balogh21-Jul-2012 11:37
This is nice CM! V
Hank Vander Velde21-Jul-2012 11:14
Neat shot under a nice deep blue sky and with a nice POV.
Pierre21-Jul-2012 10:41
Une image avec un ciel toujours magnifique et un point de vue splendide! V
meekam tam21-Jul-2012 10:37
Beautiful skies and well chosen PoV for your wide angle lens, CM! V
joseantonio21-Jul-2012 10:12
Wow, excellet capture of this image. V.