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C.M. Kwan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Inside Hong Kong's Museums > Ink and Wash Paintings
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Ink and Wash Paintings

Hong Kong Museum of Art

Posted on 11 July 2008
Best viewed at "original" size

Nikon D3 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
1/60s f/6.3 at 24.0mm iso2500 full exif

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2004 14-Jul-2008 13:47
Great composition !
endre novak13-Jul-2008 14:19
excellent the prespective and the details.
Yiannis Pavlis13-Jul-2008 13:48
The details and colours are great and the depth well achieved.V
Simon Chandler12-Jul-2008 06:15
Love the simple composition to present the scene artistically. v
an nguyen11-Jul-2008 17:32
Excellent composition and atmosphere. V
Guest 11-Jul-2008 17:23
I also like to visit art museum, nice symmetric shot !
TuTmin11-Jul-2008 15:24
brilliant composition .another great work .V~
Walter Otto Koenig11-Jul-2008 14:41
Very cool how you lined this one up and created an optical illusion with the two display cases. Very nice interior shot at low light. I am assuming this is hand held too. "V"