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cmierpaddler | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Exploring the Everglades By Canoe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Exploring the Everglades By Canoe

Most of the photographs were taken from a canoe or kayak, during a canoe or kayak camping trip or during daytrips in a canoe.
View With a Canoe
:: View With a Canoe ::
Campsite View
:: Campsite View ::
Paddle Boats In the Everglades
:: Paddle Boats In the Everglades ::
Camping in the Everglades
:: Camping in the Everglades ::
Birds Seen While Paddling
:: Birds Seen While Paddling ::
Adventures in the Everglades
:: Adventures in the Everglades ::
Rivers and Creeks
:: Rivers and Creeks ::