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20-APR-2004 © Stuart Clyne

Swords at Dawn

Shanghai view map

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/250s f/11.0 at 37.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 19-Oct-2008 07:30
wow, very cool
Steve Viscot09-Jan-2007 20:33
great capture - voted
Guest 07-Jan-2006 15:58
Great shot and under difficult conditions also with the sun in the frame. Ends up working extremely well. You have caught an exceptional moment - certainly not something one sees every day!
George Christakos02-Aug-2005 08:48
Great lighting great capture. Very atmospheric
Guest 19-Sep-2004 08:13
You don´t know how much I´ve searched for this image!.. I love it. It is one of my favorites. I can honestly say this picture made me think about getting a Rebel (wich I now own)... I have to thank you for this stunning work! The picture is still perfect for me.
Guest 05-Jul-2004 21:42
I just want to do an obvius comment; the guys with swords, the light and the background reminds me of Star Wars.
Si Kirk03-Jul-2004 22:27
wonderful image, superb lighting
Guest 19-Jun-2004 04:40
love this one as well... great lighting, great capture.
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