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Clyne | all galleries >> Galleries >> Occasional Photos > Pagoda Taroko
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28-DEC-2011 Stuart Clyne

Pagoda Taroko

Taroko Gorge Taiwan

Had to lie on my back for this one. Thanks to the nice patient people waiting at the door, letting me finish :)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dennis Camp08-Jan-2013 02:30
Excellent pov, draws the eye in. congrats on the winning honor, very worthy art.
John Barreiro06-Jan-2013 19:19
Fine image! V
caveman_lee05-Jan-2013 05:30
Beautiful perspective ! V
Barry S Moore02-Jan-2013 21:44
A fantastic image - love the spiral lines. ~v~
Terry Bowker02-Jan-2013 17:48
Clyne, This is just wonderful!
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