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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> butterflies > Woodland Skipper
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21-Aug-2019 Tom Munson

Woodland Skipper

Lincoln Co

Best viewed in original

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Pierre27-Aug-2019 11:24
Une photo magnifique de ce joli papillon dans ce très beau décor jaune! V
Hennie & Lies Lammers24-Aug-2019 16:09
Terrific shot of this Skipper
Fong Lam24-Aug-2019 13:32
Wonderful shot of this beauty, Tom...really love the gorgeous summer tones...V
Missed Opportunities24-Aug-2019 11:50
WoW - - love this one; the colors are warm and wonderful V
Tom LeRoy24-Aug-2019 10:56
Sharp and colorful capture of this neat Skipper, Tom. V
hayl24-Aug-2019 10:13
A great photo of this Skipper with a lovely range of golden hues.
fdt24-Aug-2019 08:01
Outstanding capture.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal24-Aug-2019 07:20
Beautiful colors and light, love the setting.
Bryan Murahashi24-Aug-2019 04:37
Great details in this Skipper capture.
Réal Jauvin24-Aug-2019 00:34
Qu'il est beau ce papillon surtout la netteté, détails est impeccable!!
John Vass23-Aug-2019 23:32
Fantastic shot! This is so good the Skipper should send you a thank you note! V
Pierre Martin23-Aug-2019 21:52
terrific shot, very detailed, great light and setting!
Wintermeer23-Aug-2019 21:12
Magnificent macro! ~V~
Hank Vander Velde23-Aug-2019 20:47
Excellent sharp shot of this pretty Skipper in a nice setting and with a good bg Tom.
Helen Betts23-Aug-2019 20:37
Excellent capture of this skipper, and such a beautiful setting with all that gold
Ton T.23-Aug-2019 20:26
A beautiful Skipper in a fascinating yellow setting! V