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Headquarters of the B.C. Marijuana Party and Marc Emery Seed Store net.jpg

A bit of a raging controversy here in Vancouver. Marc Emery, I understand, is the president
of the 'B.C. Marijuana Party' and allegedly operates a website internationally, selling marijuana
seeds - an operation that the authorities here - have turned a blind eye to for years.
Probably galled by his self-description as "The Prince of Pot"
and the fact that most of his seeds were being sold into the US,
the United States DEA requested from the Vancouver City police the arrest
of Emery for potential extradition to the US to face charges of
drug trafficing, conspiracy etc. Many folks in Vancouver are outraged that
the long of the DEA is somehow breaching Canada's sovereignty by reaching
it's long arm up here to arrest a Canadian national.

Anyhow - we were lunching downtown yesterday and spotted the bulding housing Emery et al and thought it would make a interesting PaD ! :o)

Canon PowerShot S50
1/640s f/2.8 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 08-Oct-2010 21:47
I've been to the cafe and it's awesome!! As long as you bring your own you are allowed to spark up!! Of course not legally but it's all good :)
Karen Stuebing05-Aug-2005 22:07
Cool building. Those white painted bricks look like icing. I can certainly understand your outrage and I don't share the attitude that the US has the right to make any demand they want of any other country.
jypsee05-Aug-2005 21:56
I think BC has every right to be outraged; no, the plants in the window aren't pot.
Guest 05-Aug-2005 20:52
Wow, this is an interesting building! Did you have lunch at the Amsterdam
Pepe Zyman05-Aug-2005 20:43
LOL at Jeremy's comment!
Jackdad05-Aug-2005 18:53
LOL at the pot plants on the window sill! ;)
Susanne05-Aug-2005 18:18
This was an interesting piece of information and a rather interesting building. Thanks for sharing.
JeremyGood05-Aug-2005 17:23
The designer of this building must have been stoned.
Robin Reid05-Aug-2005 15:40
So are those "the" plants in the windows up on the second floor?

I used to work at a Hospice... I know MJ can be a big help with folks who need it.