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Ray :) | all galleries >> Galleries >> Smiles and Laughter > Arrestistable
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27-AUG-2005 IMG_31997


Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/320s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Webman0625-Jun-2007 18:01
Last time i went to Surrey, i did not see smile like her's. Great capture. V
Dan Chusid17-Jul-2006 15:32
Hope she smiles like that when she hands out the ticket.
SRW25-May-2006 01:18
Great smile; great shot; great title...! Big (V)!
Carole Stevens24-May-2006 23:24
Why dont they smile like that for me, Oh yeah Im normally speeding he he!Great capture Ray!
Guest 24-May-2006 20:30
LOL @ the title and a rarity these days great capture Ray. V
JW24-May-2006 18:07
Superb capture
Guest 24-May-2006 17:08
Definitely! Excellent title.
Sheena Woodhead24-May-2006 17:06
What a lovely smile. Perfect for diffusing awkward situations. Nice shot too with excellent dof.
Guest 24-May-2006 12:23
Lovely! Definately a vote (by the way, I tried to pronounce the title Ray, but try as I might I can't!)