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The Hello Girl
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16-MAR-2005 IMG_21311

March 16 2005:
The Hello Girl

Caught this girl in Bracknell today. She was in a phone box whilst her friend waited outside.
Doesn’t she have a beautiful smile?

Cropped and Resized
Converted to Grayscale
Duotoned using Pantone Black 7C

This time last year we were making our sofas dirty with all those filthy shoes, just
‘For Linda’

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/80s f/5.0 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 17-Mar-2005 05:46
great shot and treatment - like the jacket too
Herb 17-Mar-2005 03:51
Guest 16-Mar-2005 23:26
great capture..pretty smile
Stu16-Mar-2005 23:11
Lovely capture, Ray.
Guest 16-Mar-2005 21:54
Great capture.
Re Fran's comment:

Hope you don't mind me doing that Ray?
Gail Davison16-Mar-2005 21:51
Beautiful shot Ray. I like the composition too - and yes her smile is fantastic.
jude16-Mar-2005 21:18
She does have a beautiful smile.. i like how you composed her with that decal body from the window .. perfectly done.
Marijka16-Mar-2005 19:52
nice catch of the day :)!!
Guest 16-Mar-2005 19:13
No wonder she's happy - they probably spent an hour looking for a phone box that worked!
She has a gorgeous smile!
Saskia 16-Mar-2005 18:21
A wonderful smile!
Guest 16-Mar-2005 18:13
She is cheeery!! Hope you didn't give her the mean and moody look from yesterday's Piccie!! :-))
Sheena Woodhead16-Mar-2005 17:43
Yes, she has a beautiful smile which lights up her whole face.
Adalberto Tiburzi16-Mar-2005 17:42
Have I got well? Is she smiling at her friend? In this case, I envy him... ;-))
Gayle P. Clement16-Mar-2005 17:38
She does have a great smile. Wonderful eyes!
Antonis Sarantos16-Mar-2005 17:29
Beautiful smile, i agree,
nice b&w.