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Ray :) | all galleries >> PAD Previous Years >> Daily Photos up to 31 March 2005 >> What I Saw Today >> September 2004 > September 16 2004:
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16-SEP-2004 IMG_11693

September 16 2004:

James Street, just off Covent Garden Market is where you’ll usually find three or four living statues. I hadn’t seen this guy before, but he seemed to be a hit with the ladies.
Take a look at one of his admirers here.

Cropped and Resized
Framed: using # F4F8F6

On 16 September last year; ‘Dumb Waiter’

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/100s f/11.0 at 64.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 18-Sep-2004 11:01
It really does look like she's looking at him! Nice find!
Guest 18-Sep-2004 03:46
Ray what a great capture.
Chris Brooker17-Sep-2004 16:06
Congratulations on an excellent photo.
Lovely composition and great quality.
Gary Winters17-Sep-2004 03:42
Couldn't you get him to smile?
Donna Lear16-Sep-2004 23:20
Great capture - and I love the contrast between him and the poster. I spotted his slightly more dressed Canadian cousin -
jude16-Sep-2004 23:02
" ... or is that guy happy to see me?"
Guest 16-Sep-2004 21:50
hey! I've seen him, CLICK HERE I think it's his american cousin!!
Lou Giroud16-Sep-2004 21:08
I prefer the body in colour on this one. Crazy World, isn't it.
Jill16-Sep-2004 20:51
Now this is SEXY!
Guest 16-Sep-2004 20:38
The contrast between the color image and the apparent black and white image is wonderful. What a great image.
Ian Chappell16-Sep-2004 20:20
SP Friday isn't until tomorrow!
Cindy16-Sep-2004 20:03
Wow, I can see why he has admirer's!
northstar3716-Sep-2004 19:40
tin foil won't keep him warm...
Guest 16-Sep-2004 19:37
Oh my! Now that's definitely interesting!
Si Kirk16-Sep-2004 19:36
cool capture, bet he is cold!!