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Alan Clements | profile | all galleries >> Savannah tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Photographs of Savannah
The Savannah river
The Savannah river
River traffic
River traffic
Large container ships sail down the Savanna
Large container ships sail down the Savanna
Ships really do pass this close to the bank
Ships really do pass this close to the bank
Some of the containers
Some of the containers
Green shop
Green shop
The Cotton Exchange
The Cotton Exchange
College of art and design
College of art and design
Picket fence
Picket fence
House with Spanish moss
House with Spanish moss
I love the texture of this building's surface
I love the texture of this building's surface
Pretty house
Pretty house
Riverside houses
Riverside houses
Red brick
Red brick
Another wall I like
Another wall I like
Church spire
Church spire
Spanish moss
Spanish moss
Spanish moss
Spanish moss
Halloween approaches
Halloween approaches
A monument - one of many in Savannah
A monument - one of many in Savannah
Squirrel on a bench
Squirrel on a bench
Squirrel on a tomb
Squirrel on a tomb
A butterfly on flowers
A butterfly on flowers
By the river
By the river
u42/clements/medium/39619275.S_bird_4713.jpg Waiting to cross the road
Waiting to cross the road
The bridge
The bridge
Riverside shops
Riverside shops
Tugs and boats
Tugs and boats
Great texture
Great texture