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City of Angels

In April 2005 I went to Los Angeles to give an award to two students and to visit a colleague in Long Beach. Some of the images are of a visit I made to Catolina island with Bob Ward and some of his students.
The Disney concert hall
The Disney concert hall
Another view of this magnificant building
Another view of this magnificant building
Disney concert hall
Disney concert hall
Deloitte building
Deloitte building
I love these buildings
I love these buildings
Looking up in downtown LA
Looking up in downtown LA
Ornate entance
Ornate entance
The view from my hotel windo in Little Tokyo
The view from my hotel windo in Little Tokyo
A camera enthusiast I met in Pasadena
A camera enthusiast I met in Pasadena
The subway at Hollywood
The subway at Hollywood
Here be dragons
Here be dragons
It's Hollywood
It's Hollywood
Mrs Schreck and tourist
Mrs Schreck and tourist
The tourist in Hollywood
The tourist in Hollywood
Street performer on Hollywood Bvd
Street performer on Hollywood Bvd
Street performer
Street performer
Street performer
Street performer
Typical of the shops on Hollywood Boulevard
Typical of the shops on Hollywood Boulevard
Number 617
Number 617
Light and shadow
Light and shadow
Numbers on electronic junk
Numbers on electronic junk
Outside the Mayan theater
Outside the Mayan theater
Union train station in LA. A magnificant building
Union train station in LA. A magnificant building
Food court, downtown LA
Food court, downtown LA
Food court
Food court
Food court
Food court
Dresses outside a shop on Broadway
Dresses outside a shop on Broadway
City center joggers
City center joggers
Crossing Broadway
Crossing Broadway
Waiting to cross Broadway
Waiting to cross Broadway
On Broadway
On Broadway
Lunch by Union station
Lunch by Union station
Shades on sale at Venice Beach
Shades on sale at Venice Beach
Monument to the victims of crime
Monument to the victims of crime
Public monument
Public monument
On the wall of the LA Times
On the wall of the LA Times
Taken at a ceremony to remember construction workers killed in accidents
Taken at a ceremony to remember construction workers killed in accidents
Fallen colleagues
Fallen colleagues
Bikers in Venice Beach
Bikers in Venice Beach
Biker motto?
Biker motto?
Venice Beach
Venice Beach
A clown on Venice Beach
A clown on Venice Beach
Venice Beach performer
Venice Beach performer
Dancing on Venice Beach
Dancing on Venice Beach
Eating in Venice Beach
Eating in Venice Beach
Not all people in LA share the good life
Not all people in LA share the good life
Life on the street
Life on the street
Skid row
Skid row
Get your bail bonds here
Get your bail bonds here
Catolina harbor
Catolina harbor
It's enough to make a Brit feel homesick
It's enough to make a Brit feel homesick
Relaxing in the sun on Catalina island
Relaxing in the sun on Catalina island
Bob's students on an outing to Catolina
Bob's students on an outing to Catolina
One of Bob's students
One of Bob's students
Another of Bob's students
Another of Bob's students
Bob's cat
Bob's cat
San Dimas meadows
San Dimas meadows
A day in San Dimas
A day in San Dimas
More San Dimas meadows
More San Dimas meadows
Sunset over Long Beach
Sunset over Long Beach
Alex - receiving his Amimex award from the University of Teesside
Alex - receiving his Amimex award from the University of Teesside
The tower - rusting
The tower - rusting