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Chris Klapheke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> backyard birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

backyard birds

Images of birds taken on our property at Boone Trail.
bluebird head turn
bluebird head turn
downy feeding time
downy feeding time
carolina wren singing
carolina wren singing
juvenile hairy
juvenile hairy
pileated hair!
pileated hair!
house finch
house finch
juvenile red-bellied
juvenile red-bellied
finch on deck
finch on deck
female bluebird
female bluebird
male bluebird profile
male bluebird profile
pileated tongue
pileated tongue
indigo bunting from porch
indigo bunting from porch
red bellied on deck
red bellied on deck
walk like an egyptian
walk like an egyptian
female wet cardinal
female wet cardinal
female pileated
female pileated
pileated portrait
pileated portrait
pileated head back
pileated head back
dark-eyed junco
dark-eyed junco
downy deck
downy deck
female puffy cardinal
female puffy cardinal
can't you see we're sleeping?
can't you see we're sleeping?
mad scientist chick
mad scientist chick
hawk crop
hawk crop
white-throated sparrow
white-throated sparrow
hawk 1
hawk 1
pileated on suet feeder
pileated on suet feeder