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September Photo-a-Day

Neighborhood flowers. Louisville, Kentucky Skyline.JPG Crossing the Line!  (Thursday Challenge.) After the Rain.
Red Rose in the Rain! RainRainFallingFall! Ohio River (Indiana/ USA). Fall has Come to Clifty Falls Park.
Katydid and Did all in Green! Thursday Challenge:  CURVES his and hers? A Windy Cool Day in Indianapolis. g5/64/603464/3/67385107.HFiCo9vA.jpg
g5/64/603464/3/67535883.AJ7igLkn.jpg A Window on the Rain in Indi! Sitting out the Storm. Foyer Reflections.JPG
Behind a Golden Door . . . . Bruised Peach.JPG Flower Power Squared.JPG g5/64/603464/3/67464592.yYPSp6v6.jpg
Velvet Dusk Delight! City Fountain (Louisville, KY, USA) Poetic Visioning Revisited. Amelias Orchids.JPG
An Evening to Remember.JPG Fun in the Hibiscus Garden! An Evening to Remember.JPG Busy Bee!
Living Color! An Evening to Remember.JPG Hibiscus. g2/64/603464/3/66379560.UK1PpRbI.jpg
CURVES his and hers? A Rose is a Rose.JPG Hibsicus in the Church garden. g2/64/603464/3/66105404.jrov1EcI.jpg
Empty Nest Visions. Townsquare, Madison, Indiana (USA) Find the bogus CD. Storefront blooms.