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Dec 2007 Photo-a-Day

MUSIC: Gary Stadler and Stephannie, "Heart Magic."
House on a Hilltop. Oldham County, Kentucky Farm. g4/64/603464/3/90969075.ulpjbEnQ.jpg
Stars and Stripes! Cowboy Christmas! Christmas Past.
Vivaldi's Angel. g4/64/603464/3/90667619.Fmb57wMr.jpg One Family's Christmas Wonderland!
Closeup of One Family's Yard. g4/64/603464/3/90648891.fqt46w8V.jpg Washington, Indiana.
Dreaming of a White Christmas! Christmas Card ~ 2007. Christmas Lamb.
Blessings for the Season. g3/64/603464/3/90469554.Tw4AcMFd.jpg Poinsettias ~ My first for the Season.
g3/64/603464/3/90469555.wMBX95Il.jpg 012.jpg High Water.
High Water on the Ohio River. Tenacious! Madison-Milton Bridge.
Fruit of the Season. Promise before the Storm. g6/64/603464/3/90298959.O2V5qhCG.jpg
The Pleasure of a Pet! Caught Between Seasons. A Dancing Spirit!
Max in the Cold, Cold Weather! Sun's Smoke Screen! That Wonderful Smile!
Laughter is like Good Medicine. Could this be dinner??? Catching up with Linda.
Morning Frost  along West Virginia (USA) Highway. Control Issues!?! Caught! Left Between Seasons.
Keoni Kissing Her Mom, Carol! Fruit of the Season Fruit of the Season.
Caught!  Left Between Seasons. Fruit of the Season.